​Georgian Bay Rowing Club
Rowing Canada and RowOntario have updated their fee structure to include a fee of $60.84 for the 2024 season for all rowers at all membership levels. These are mandatory fees that are used to cover insurance. GBRC membership fees do not include this additional fee. When signing up with the RCA system, these fees will automatically be added to your total.
In order to simplify the process, GBRC has switched to online registration and payment. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE STARTING YOUR PROGRAM. Registration and payment are required before getting on the water.
The registration procedure is as follows:
* Click on the Join GBRC link above
* Create a login account with Rowing Canada (if you have registered with GBRC in the
past your username will be the email address you provided, you will
have to click on the "forgot my password" link if you did not set up
your account)
* Choose "Ontario" and "Georgian Bay Rowing Club" on the Rowing
Canada members page
* Choose the program you will be joining (if you have questions about
the program, email georgianbayrowingclub@gmail.com)
* Once you have made your profile and registered for a program, you will be given a total for your purchase. Please DO NOT pay online.
To Pay
A) Send the full amount, of your program cost (program cost PLUS the $60.84 mandatory RCA and RowOntario fees) via e-transfer to georgianbayrowingclub@gmail.com. Please use the password "Rowing24"
B) Bring a cheque to your first rowing session with the full amount of your program cost and RCA and RowOntario fees, addressed to "Georgian Bay Rowing Club" and give it to club staff.
If you have any questions, email us at georgianbayrowingclub@gmail.com